Saturday 2 February 2013

Dynamic Life ... its duality

Thought for the year

Our life is similar to a pair of Walking Feet, filled with Duality. One is ahead and other is behind.

It has Profit and Loss; Respect and Insult; Triumph and Defeat; Empathy and Apathy (..... the list goes on.)

Do not get affected by Pride or Shame.

Just assure yourself that situation keeps changing constantly.

Try to live happily by reminding positive factors. Because ....
our life will not last for centuries. So... be happy, because you still got a great chance called happy life.

(When are you deprived or get sad ... remember, you are better than millions of people whose only concern is about getting few morsels of food for that day. They have just one desire ... just to live. They eat to live.)

चक्रार पङ्क्तिरिव गच्छति भाग्यपङ्क्तिः

Another famous comparison is to the wheel of cycle.

Our fortune keeps changing. Hence, no pride, shame or prejudice.

Be Happy.

Good day and Good Year ahead...



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