Tuesday 15 June 2010

Good News for Diabetics (Insulin Users) ... in offing

Here's some good news for diabetics! Scientists have created an insulin which they claim can survive warmth and doesn't require to be kept in fridge.
Normally, insulin starts to go bad above 4 degrees centigrade -- making insulin supply very difficult in areas that don't have refrigeration.

Now, an international team, led by Monash University, has successfully strengthened the insulin's chemical structure without affecting its activity and this new insulin doesn't at all require refrigeration.
At the same time, the team's using their new knowledge to develop a form of insulin that could be delivered by pill. "Like milk, insulin formulations need to be kept cold. At temperatures above 4 ºC, insulin starts to degrade and it eventually becomes inactive. So supplying insulin in areas where fridges are scarce or difficult to maintain presents a real challenge.

"The instability of insulin is closely related to its chemical structure. Insulin is constructed from two different protein chains which are joined together by unstable disulfide bonds. Using a series of chemical reactions, we have been able to replace unstable bonds with stronger carbon-based bridges. "This replacement does not change the natural activity of insulin, but it does appear to significantly enhance its stability.

These so-called 'dicarba insulins' are stable at room temperature. And, storage at higher temperatures for years had not resulted in degradation or loss of activity," said team leader Bianca van Lierop.

According to the scientists, the new insulins may also provide much-needed insight into how the molecule works. "Insulin acts like a key in a lock at its receptor. When insulin binds to the receptor the lock opens and allows sugar to be taken up into cells from the blood. But insulin is known to change shape inside the 'lock' (the receptor), and its final shape is currently unknown.

"If we had that information, we might be able to design smaller, less complex, non-protein mimics of insulin," he said, adding that such molecules could one day become the basis of treatments taken in pill form, eliminating the need for injections.

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