Thursday 25 March 2010

Eye Sight - Alternatives to artificial Lenses>

सर्वेन्द्रियाणां नयनं प्रधानम्
It is said that Eye is the most important among all the sensory organs. Losing Eye Sight partially or fully, is becoming more common these days. Now a days, we can even see toddlers and children under 5 wearing the spectacles, pondering about the future of their eye sight.
Opthalmologists, in their enthusiasm to protect their patients' eye sight, prescribe glasses more often.
But, very less is said about improvement and correction of Eye Sight.

Let us examiner some remedies, available with us:
> Elders have been insisting that, we should lessen the strain on the eyes, by limiting direct light, in cotrast environment. (For Example, when it is dark, or dull light, tyr to avoid viewing light emitting objects such as Screens of Television, Computer etc.
> Proper Sleep of 6 - 8 hours is one good remedy.
> Vitamin Intake can be increased. (Make a poster in the home, explaining the list of food articles, containing Vitamin A.

> A doctor of yester years, Dr. WH Bates had done some serious clinical search about these aspects. (Though, I did not need to test it, readers are welcome to evaluate it, as it does not seem to have side effects. Some people testify about its efficacy. One has to judge for himself about this.)

Techniques: Basic Principles

The Bates Method's primary aim is to restore normal, healthy, functional use of the eyes and each technique described on these pages provides a path to that end.

Under the Bates model, vision impairment is caused initially by a habit of strain: that is, the inclination to make extraneous effort when performing any task. While this strain can be brought about by many different factors its solution is to learn how to obtain relaxation.

The strain is a mental habit, the physical manifestation of strain follows suit and by utilising Bates techniques it becomes possible to gain insight into the nature of the strain - both mental and physical - by carefully observing the feedback received by the eyes as you practise.

Some easier techniques have been listed here.

Some games as Eye exercise.
Banner Swing
Moon Swing

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